Hello everyone. I hope you are having a great day.
I've talked about our wedding before, how we only took a few days for a honeymoon and ending up at the Train Station (hotel) in Scranton, PA. (it is better than it sounds). I regret not having taken hubby to the Concord Resort in the Catskills which has since been torn down. We recently looked into the possibility of moving to my hometown. Yes, I realize hubby, the eternal southerner, would freak out. Anyway, we were shocked to find out many of the places of my childhood have been torn down. The Concord was bad enough, but that Kmart I worked at as a kid, gone. The computer company my dad worked at, gone. Even the Friendlys has been torn down. Who tears down a Friendlys? I can see tearing down the brussels sprout store but an ice cream place...please! Sit down, it gets worse. Oh yes, the unimaginable. Something I will never forgive the city planners for. They tore down the hotel where our wedding reception was held. It was on a river, with beautiful views. It had a large dining room with a glass wall looking out over the water. It had several ballrooms, hotel rooms, etc. They bulldozed it to...wait for it...they took away those pretty views to build....an Aldi. Yes, you read that correctly, an Aldi, small grocery store. I'm all for cheap cheese and a 79 cent can of green beans but come on. It makes no sense, and I am extremely angry. How can I relive my wedding now? Talk about me feeling about a hundred and forty years old.
This book is quite the thriller, fast paced with frequent reveals and twists. We are propelled forward, anxious to find out exactly what is happening. We are given several possibilities, but the reader ends up siding with Frank and his need to know the absolute truth. The writing is descriptive enough to put you at the destination wedding but not too much as to be annoying. Despite the many bizarre questions being asked about this wedding, all is told by the end, leaving the reader satisfied. Engaging and very fun.