Friday, December 6, 2019

Christmas in Vermont by Anita Hughes

Hello everyone.

Christmas prep is in full swing here. Three trees are up (of six), with lights and a grand total of ten ornaments. Yeah, I'm a bit behind in the tree decorating department. It may seem like it is a lot of trees, okay let's be honest, six is insane. That being said, we are the Scrooge of the neighborhood. In an area of old houses, people tend to really dress them up for the holidays. In fact, I was shocked when we first moved to this area. One of the larger historic houses has been turned into a small inn. They have breakfast with Santa, a tree lighting party, etc. One year when we had lots of snow they were taking their guests of horse drawn sleigh rides right past our house. Not something you see everyday.

I recently read Christmas in Vermont by Anita Hughes. This second chance romance is full of holiday cheer. Set in an inn in Vermont, two old flames meet once again, still detecting the original spark. (Get it, flames....spark....)  Emma and Fletcher are faced with problems, like Fletcher's fiance who is also staying at the inn, along with his daughter from a previous marriage. Then there is the troubled inn keeper, who is quite endearing and serves as a delightful side story. This book, while slightly over 300 pages, is a quick read. There is a bit of turmoil in the romance but the story is sweet and Christmassy.  This book is perfect for taking your mind off an ever expanding holiday "to do" list, leaving you in the mood for some fluffy snowflakes to float past your windows.

While you might not want to give a holiday book as a Christmas gift, this would be such a kind and timely gift for someone under stress or a "love you" present at a festive lunch.  After giving this a read, you'll be more in the mood to tackle those trees.

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