Saturday, August 3, 2024

Ghost Camera by Darcy Coates

Hello everyone. I hope you're having a fantastic day.

My family has had a long-held love affair with the camera.  We have over 500 pictures of our wedding.  My parents constantly took photos.  I have my grandparents' slides, there are thousands. Apparently, we come by in naturally.  When doing family genealogy, I found my grandmother was the niece (with several greats) of George Eastman, the founder of Kodak.  Not only did we not know this connection, neither did my grandmother.  Funny enough, the biggest picture taker was my grandfather who had no blood relation to Eastman. Yep, from Brownies, Polaroid, Instamatics, Single Lens Reflex, to digital...we've had them all. Now so many people are gone, parents and grandparents.  I am so grateful for all those pictures.  They certainly are my most precious belonging. 

I recently read Ghost Camera by Darcy Coates.  I've read, reviewed and greatly enjoyed several books by this author. This book is a collection of short stories, all told in typical spooky Coates manner.  This first story, and book namesake, involves a ghost camera.  Jenine and Bree investigate a polaroid camera that shows images of ghosts.  The tension increases as with each additional photograph the spirits move closer.  Was that a breath on my neck or did I imagine it?  Was that a touch?  The story is fascinating and is only the first of several included.  The final story literally had me putting down the book, I was so creeped out. So fun!

If you are a fan of this author, or not, you won't want to miss this collection.  The storytelling is wonderful.  One thing that Darcy Coates does so well, is keep it spooky without any cheap shots or taking the easy way out.  She doesn't go for the easy "boo" or resort to gore.  Instead, she develops quality characters and interesting stories.  As always, a great read.

Many thanks to Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for the advanced copy.  I'll never look at photos in the same way!

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