Showing posts with label C.J. Tudor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C.J. Tudor. Show all posts

Monday, April 12, 2021

The Burning Girls by C.J. Tudor

Hello everyone. I hope your week is going well.

How do you feel about religion?  Do you believe in a higher power, a creator or an afterlife?  I believe in God.  All I have to do is look at a baby, that cannot be an accident or evolution.  What makes one person love turkey sandwiches and the next hate them...hubby would say the person that hates turkey sandwiches is just flat out nuts but consider the source! Also, all the people throughout history who have seen a ghost are lying or suffering from mass hallucinations?  For thousands of years? Highly doubtful.  I know what I heard and saw in my own house!  Anyway, I recognize everyone's choice to believe what they want and frankly, I find religion a very personal thing.  

I recently read The Burning Girls by  C.J. Tudor.  This is the story of a vicar in England who has been transferred to a very small church in the countryside.  The town is close-knit and not very accepting of strangers. When the new leader of the small church arrives with their daughter, a welcome present is left.  You know this book is going to be good when the gift left for the new religious leader to make them feel at home is an exorcism kit.  Oh yes, you read that correctly!  

The reader quickly finds out that the burning girls are two young women who were burned as martyrs during the Protestant revolution.  Little twig dolls representing these young woman start appearing. I won't spoil it for you but I want to warn you if you are thinking of skipping this book, don't!  It is a super fast read, with lots of twists.  It isn't about witchcraft, it isn't too scary, and if you're not a fan of religion you'll still enjoy this book...the religion isn't the point just the setting for a this heart pounding supernatural mystery.

This book is so good you'll asked to be "blessed" with more books by C.J. Tudor.