Suddenly, NO! There is a simultaneous clap of thunder and burst of lightning. Your power is gone, surely not to return until nearly the population of your entire town is on first. Now what? Grab your emergency flash light and The Death of Mrs. Westaway! It is dark, dreary, moody and delicious! The main character Hal, finds herself in considerable financial trouble. To save herself, Hal must head to a once stately turned creepy, huge, old run down mansion. Now she is about to meet a cast of characters equally as unusual as the setting.
In my quest to not rewrite the plot you've undoubtedly already read, let me make these few comments. This is a fast and easy read. It compels you to move forward, wondering what will happen next. If you like mild thrillers, mysteries, haunted house books (let me be clear there is absolutely nothing paranormal here at all), books that include big houses as the setting, this will interest you. If you like the movies, Rose Red, The Haunting, or even plain ole' Casper, you may well find the mansion to be as valuable of a character as those that actually breathe.
I've been fortunate to read all of Ruth Ware's books. Each new book seems to become my new favorite, although I admit In a Dark, Dark Wood holds a special place for me since it was my first. My point is, I think she keeps getting better. Each new book seems to somehow be more confident, have better pacing and be even more enthralling than the last. The book is The Death of Mrs. Westaway and it may make you wish for a power outage!