On to happier topics, BOOKS! To take my mind of the storm, I read Pieces of Her by Karin Slaughter. Now, before you get your knickers in a twist, yes, I realize I am the absolutely last person on the planet to read a Karin Slaughter book. I blame you, book addicts, for not shoving her novels in my face. How could you let me miss out?!?!? Especially knowing my fondness for thrillers! Ahhh, now that I've passed the blame for my reading shortcomings I feel much better. I felt great after reading this book!
Pieces of Her really resonated with me in so many ways. How could someone with a design background from the prestigious SCAD, Savannah College of Art and Design, end up living in a tiny apartment in NYC taking 911 calls? Of course, the 911 job is very noble and heaven knows, stressful, but not as the main character Andy intended her life to be. What happens when she finds out her parents are not anything like what she thought. They are horrible, terrible people, yet amazing in ways she never knew. What if lives were not what they seem. Andy shares that deep mother daughter bond with her mom, Laura, but then is troubled at that bond existing while her actually knowing nothing about her mother. All of these literally life changing questions are wrapped in a fast paced thriller in this story. It is gripping and shocking, the explanations are complex yet so simple. This novel is amazing. I cannot wait to rocket through another of Karin Slaughter books!
You know, a few years ago I scanned all my parents slides into the computer. There were a couple with some weird mechanical diagrams. My dad did work for a defense contractor. Hmmmmm…...now I'm wondering and I blame it all on Karin Slaughter!