Hello everyone. I hope you are well.
I hate writing reviews when I have an unpopular opinion. I feel like a negative Nancy going against the grain. Who knows maybe I'm in a bit of a mood. No, I'm not. Okay just a smidge. It's this snow! Are you getting snow? We're about to get our third snowstorm, along with lots of wind and temps close to the single digits. Now before you start shaking your head and tell me to get off my pity pot that it's lots worse where you are, I know. However, I moved five hundred miles south and to the coast to avoid this type of weather. I find it completely unacceptable that I have experienced tornados, floods, snowstorms and gobs and gobs of hell on earth hurricanes. Doesn't it seem like you should only have to deal with one weather condition? Midwest has tornadoes, the north has snow, the southeastern coast has hurricanes and the west...they have California to deal with...just kidding...they have earthquakes and terrible fires. It seems unjust to have to be hit with multiples. So, to get back to the point snows-a-comin, grocery stores are empty, and it's freezing cold. At least I have a house full of books to keep me occupied.
I recently read Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica. First of all, my normal warning. I'm a housewife and this is a bestselling book. Take my words about it with a grain of saltwater taffy. I don't know how to say this, so I'll just blurt it out...I don't get it. There was such a buzz, such a hubbub about this book. Amazon has it as an editor's pick for best thriller. Um, why? There was one exciting part, a chase, other than that...I just don't get it. In this story a mother disappears, shortly after her daughter disappears as well. Years later the daughter returns. There are twists but I found them completely predictable. In general, I enjoyed the book, the writing was okay and I'm glad I read it, but does it live up to the hype? Not if you are a regular thriller reader, you'll have it figured out with ease.
Check this book out yourself, maybe it reads better in a tropical climate.