Showing posts with label The Push. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Push. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Push by Ashley Audrain

Hello everyone.  Hope you are well.

Do you have kids?  We don't.  I was afraid to go through that whole, grow someone inside you, process. In addition, we were young, money was tight and paying to raise a child seemed utterly impossible.  I often wonder what our life would have been like as parents. How would children change the dynamics between us as a couple?  What kind of parents would we have been? I can answer part of that already, my husband would have been a great parent.  He recognizes things from his childhood he didn't like and instead of repeating those issues he learned from them. And he's a gigantic goof ball.  He looks for any excuse to make up some weird voice or invent some joke that he thinks is ground breaking (truly Tonight Show WITH Johnny Carson worthy) but isn't.  He'd be the worlds best dad, next to my own, of course.  As for me being a mother, I would probably be terrible. I'd insist some kid eat their green beans for the nine thousand, six hundred and fifty-third time and the child would smother me in my sleep. Hey, don't give me that look, green beans are good for you. Eat some!

I recently read The Push by Ashley Audrain.  This is the story of a couple, Blythe and Fox, who welcome their first child, Violet into the world.  While happy, Blythe wonders if she is as bonded to her new daughter as she should be.  Despite a few issues they remain generally happy, eventually adding baby Sam to their tribe. Violet seems to love Sam, but odd things begin happening, often in front of mom, Blythe, only. This leaves the dad to think of his daughter much more affectionately than mom.  

If you read the book Baby Teeth, the thriller that was big about three years ago, this story has similar vibes.  Perhaps it's because I've just read The Push and Baby Teeth was a while ago but The Push seems much more diabolical.  Still, if you've had your fill of bad kid stories, skip this.  If you want something that is a fast read, will hold your interest and has a satisfying ending, check this one out.

Just to be safe, maybe you should put this book where your kids can't find it.  Wouldn't want to give them any ideas.

ps. While checking the spelling hubby walked by reading this post. He said laughing, he has no idea where I got that "goof ball thing". Told ya.