Showing posts with label The Wrong Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Wrong Family. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Wrong Family by Tarryn Fisher

Hello everyone.  Hope you and your family are staying safe.

The internet can be a great thing. When we are watching tv and hubby thinks he recognizes somebody from a 1970's sitcom that actually looks nothing like the person he now insists is the same actor, I can look up cast members. It's quick, easy, nips in the bud any possibility of a ridiculous argument creeping up over some actor who means nothing to either of us, except, of course, who is correct. (obviously it's me). What I've really grown to hate is how on social media people post the best parts of their lives. It's generally not any condition they are suffering with, or their tedious work schedule, or the puppy that refuses to potty outside.  Nope, it's always close up pictures of wine glasses, toes over some pool or beach, or sunset over some Bahamian island with the title "23 days until our next trip!" Don't get me wrong, I love seeing what friends are up to but I find it impossible to measure up.  Don't they vacuum, do dishes, bake chickens?  My point it that the grass is always greener, but if you look really closely everyone has issues, whether they advertise them or not.

I recently read The Wrong Family by Tarryn Fisher.  This is the story of a woman, Juno, who isn't well.  She has moved in with a couple and their son. Nigel and Winnie have a beautiful home, great son and plenty of money. What could be wrong?  This is one of those stories with some very careful writing, that will have you assuming things repeatedly that aren't true. Realizing that you, the reader, have gotten things wrong adds to the twist and turns of the story.  The book itself is interesting and quick to read.  During these trying times perhaps a word of warning here, this book is fairly dark in tone and feeling.  It is, after all, a thriller and not a walk through the park with Mary Poppins, but be aware it will not lighten your mood.

Okay, I won't keep you any longer. I'm sure you have photos to take of your least order a few books while you're at it.