Hello everyone or no one as is more likely since this is brand new.
I wanted to quickly address how I want to write in this blog. I don't want to give you a plot rundown of every book, let's face it, you're likely already aware. If you haven't seen the cover or dust jacket, then you've read the general plot on line. What I'd rather do is pretend that we're friends and chat in a more natural way.
So for my very first discussion let us start at the very beginning. Queue clouds opening, sunbeams shining down and angels harmonizing in unison. The very first book I can remember reading for pleasure as a teen was.....ready for it.....ready? I don't hear group cheering, I do hear my husband groaning to get on with it already especially since nobody is reading this and I'm basically putting off making dinner to type to myself! The very first I bought, with my allowance, and read was The Shining. Yes, when it was originally released. Hey, don't judge about my age, you'll be this age someday (frickin' whippersnappers). We were actually going to Myrtle Beach for Easter vacation, my whole family that is. As a teen I wanted to look oh so cool on the beach, The Shining had a very cool metallic silver cover, certain to get any boy's attention and then probably blind him for life with the South Carolina sun bouncing off that cover. But I didn't care about ruining eyesight! Of course, hubby just said my boobs got the attention, not Stephen King. He's probably right, don't tell him I said that he's right about anything. I'll never hear the end of it.
Back to The Shining by Stephen King, it was fantastic. I loved the whole thing! If you have only watched the movie, I implore you to get the book. It takes you to places that the movie never thought of going, literally, like the basement for example. The book tells you or shows you why The Overlook is the way it is and how it got to be that way. It also explains why Jack can't just up and leave when the going gets tough, or knife-welding crazy. Please, if you like to read, throw a couple bucks Stephen King's way and get it. Memorial Day weekend is coming up. Read it at the cookout when you're trying to avoid all the old people medical talk, or new parents' poopy diaper diatribes. I promise you, The Shining, will deliver like a holiday cheeseburger never could!