Anyway, after reading the amazing 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, I needed a break. I picked a thriller called The Other Woman by Sandie Jones. Honestly, I chose it because it is recent and shorter, just under 300 pages. This book was a great break for my character-laden brain. It follows a girl, Emily, who falls in love with Adam. Unfortunately Adam has a wicked Mother, who doesn't like Emily. Seemed like a plot that has been done quite a bit. Just turn on the TV any Saturday afternoon, bypass the 9,000th showing of Shawshank Redemption (still love ya Stephen King) and Dirty Dancing, to see Jane Fonda in action in Monster-in-Law. The common plot didn't bother me, obviously, since I bought the book and it called to me from my stack to read. I'm glad it did. Sandie Jones is the kind of writer I like. She skips the BS. Not that background story is BS, do I explain it? If she says something is going to happen on Wednesday, the story immediately skips to that event on Wednesday. I love it. No waiting while the characters do their laundry on Tuesday night, making me wonder why I'm spending so much time reading this book instead of doing my own laundry. Nope, Sandie Jones skips to the good stuff. THANK YOU! This made the book so much faster paced and so much more pleasant to read. The story moves quickly to a conclusion which I am certain I had figured out, but alas was happily wrong again.
A very pleasant read, would make a great plane or beach read.