Showing posts with label hiking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hiking. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2022

The Last to Vanish by Megan Miranda

Hello everyone. I hope your day is going well.

As you lose people in your family, ultimately many of their belongings are divided up among those that are left grieving their absence.  My parents and grandparents had some nice dishes. With four of us all wanting certain pieces, despite losing these family members long ago, we still argue over who has what. Right now, the issue is these gigantic yellow Pyrex bowls.  My mother had one so did my grandmother.  One of my sisters has both of them.  This has become an issue of cataclysmic importance.  My mother made great potato salad and always served it in the humongous yellow bowl. None of my three sisters....NONE...have ever even made potato salad.  I, however, make fantastic potato salad (which I'm currently eating, hence this story), in fact, I make my mother's potato salad.  My potato salad and the elusive yellow Pyrex should be together, it is how the world should be.  I know there are terrible things going on in the world, heck plenty in the US alone and we have it better than so many others.  Yet, I implore you to consider my bowl dilemma, it is unfair that I am the only one able to use the yellow bowl as intended by family tradition, yet my sister holds TWO of them and feels not a twinge of guilt over her ceramic gluttony!  While I usually try and tie the opening of this post with the book, but I have little to say about hiking and have potato salad in my mouth.  Eh, it's free, take what you can get.

I recently read The Last to Vanish by Megan Miranda. This is the story of a woman, Abby, who works at an inn in western North Carolina.  The big draw of this picturesque vacation spot is the hiking, rafting, general outdoorsiness.  In the past, there have been problems when people have gone missing on the hiking trails.  When a mysterious guest checks in, Abby's curiosity is peaked.  She discovers that the guest, Trey, is the brother of one of those who had disappeared.  As Trey begins his exploration of his brother's actions Abby is surprised by what she discovers while trying to assist him.  All is not right at the inn and the evidence is mounting that something is very wrong.

While I don't really consider Megan Miranda's books heart pounding thrillers, this is more thriller than usual.  The mystery is interesting and complicated. The story is intriguing and grabs you quickly.  The writing is pleasant, as always.  I wished it was a bit shorter, but at 336 pages the length doesn't seem outrageous. Overall, this was very enjoyable and my favorite by this author so far.  Can't wait until the next. 

You know what would be great to take on a hike?  Potato salad!