Showing posts with label light horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light horror. Show all posts

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Keep it in the Family by John Marrs

Hello everyone.  I hope you are well.

I wanted to talk about one of our old houses where we found lots of "stuff" in the attic, since that relates to today's book.  I can't.  I have to address something that is driving me crazy.  Authors please, pretty please with a cherry on top, enough with the Covid already.  If readers want to read about the pandemic, they can read something nonfiction, but fiction is's made up.  Why when I'm going to a category of book that will allow me to escape the goings on of today, must I read constantly about Covid.  Yes, authors, we all know you went through lock down.  Do you really think you're telling us something we don't already know and wouldn't prefer to forget?  If you can't think of some other way to keep characters at arm's length or in their house, then I just don't know (shaking my head). I feel like authors need to have a sign stuck to their laptops saying "Covid, been there, done that, got the t-shirt."  Now that the stupid virus got me to spout an ancient, annoying saying I'll put grumpy Gerta away.

I recently read Keep it in the Family by John Marrs.  This is the story of a young couple Mia and Finn, who bought a rundown house with plans to retore it to its previous grandeur making it their dream home.  Shortly after their adventuresome purchase Mia discovers that she is pregnant.  While Mia isn't able to do quite as much to the house Finn and his dad, Dave, are hard at work making the necessary fixes.  One day something terrible is found in the attic.  Not only does it greatly delay their project, but it shakes everyone to the core.  The unwelcome find threatens to reveal secrets long ago hidden and tear this couple and family apart.

I have read lots of John Marrs books, and usually they include some small amount of fantasy.  Now I'm not a fantasy fan, but Marrs does it so well that I've come to look forward to it from him.  This book is different.  It is not fantasy at all, and while all thriller it might be said that it kind of dips its big toe into the horror pond.  If you just want a great story, you'll like this.  If you want typical John Marrs you'll still be happy but surprised by the topic and lack of futuristic flair. 

One thing is for sure, you'll never look at one of those falling apart houses tucked back in the woods the same way ever again.