Hello everyone. I hope your holiday season is going well.
Usually, I either talk about housewife stuff, hence the blog name, including broken dishwashers (now the new one is broken), vacuums or roasting the nine millionth chicken. Or I tell you some absolutely delightful childhood story, that I know you just can't wait to read about and tell all your friends. I'm picturing people standing around one of those old water coolers at an office all abuzz about my sister and I arguing over airspace in the backseat of the car. Yes, I know, I'm delusional, it's my next hobby down from reading. Anyway, I can't tell you anything perfectly charming or recipe related today because I'm extra ticked off. We have been avoiding society in general for the last two years. We haven't even gone into the grocery store, doing pickup only. Finally, last week, I really needed eggs for holiday baking, and I prodded my husband to go in. He went early in the morning, wore a N95 mask, and stayed away from everyone. Yep, you guessed it....ONE GROCERY STORE VISIT in two years gave us covid. He's further along with it than I am, and it is heartbreaking listening to him cough, and frankly scares me for what is to come my way. Anyway, I have stacks of books right here but cannot concentrate, making me behind on reviewing some recently released books. Sorry, but it can't be helped....one time in two darn years!
I did want to talk about A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Everyone knows the story and the thought of reading a classic, well, compared to thrillers of today you might think it's dry or boring, perhaps you think it gets bogged down in the period's language. It is wonderful. The reading is easy, smooth, no running to the dictionary. The story is quick, it doesn't doddle on any area too long. After seeing endless movies of A Christmas Carol, there is something charming about holding good old Scrooge and Marley in your hand. If you wanted to start reading "the classics" this would be a great place to start, and it is just so Christmasy. Obviously, it has gift written all over it, okay, not really but doodle as you see fit.
Given how we feel, roasting the chicken seems a lot better. I should learn to be more grateful.