Showing posts with label wealthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wealthy. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2022

The Family Game by Catherine Steadman

Hello everyone.  I hope you're having a nice day.

Does your family play games?  My family plays lots of games.  When we were growing up, there was one game that reigned supreme, especially with my father...Tripoley.  This is a card game with a board that has combinations of cards written on it.  You start by playing poker, then go into a version of rummy.  With certain combinations you get to claim the amount that is anted to in each spot on the board.  Now, gambling is frowned upon, so I'll say we always played this with poker chips.  Okay, I'll put this out there, what is the point of saving your pennies in an old coffee can if it is not to crush the dreams of your family, one cent at a time! Perhaps I "forgot" to ante once or twice, making it much more profitable.  Don't look at me like that, you never heard the saying "mama needs a new pair of shoes?"  Well, April has a raging book addiction to pay for, with pennies if necessary!

I recently read The Family Game by Catherine Steadman.  This is the story of a young newly engaged couple, Harriett and Edward.  Edward is from a wealthy family, like Vanderbilt wealthy.  In addition, he has made a fortune himself.  Though Edward has been kind of estranged from his family, he now feels it's time for him and his bride-to-be to participate in family gatherings. The only issue is that his family is weird, toxic, abrasive, and not to be trusted.  Then there are the games.  When the family gathers, they play games, not a rousing game of Scrabble (I always get z and q repeatedly), or a marathon game of Monopoly that requires snacks and eventually coffee.  Nope.  This family plays "run for your life" kinds of games.  Is Edward worth it?  What would you go through for the person you love?  How wacky of in-laws would you put up with?  These questions and more are asked as secrets are exposed and hidden.

This was a quick and fun read.  Nothing too taxing, with pleasant writing.  Pretty thrilling as far as thrillers go, this book has that feeling that you're waiting for someone to jump out around every corner.  It was a tiny bit annoying that some characters were in the story only briefly and could have played a bigger role.  Nonetheless, very enjoyable.

I'm going to count my pennies, lots of books are calling my name.