Showing posts with label Fredrik Backman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fredrik Backman. Show all posts

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

Hello everyone. I hope you're having a good day.

Do you do goofy stuff to brighten the day? When we were dating my husband used to talk with Mickey Mouse's voice.  My sisters and I text movie lines back and forth, I'll tell you my favorite but if you're easily offended or underage please don't read the next line. "He would have an enormous svanschtooker." "That goes without saying." "He's going to be very popular."  Know what movie it's from?  Just like with the triplets, I'll have to disown you if you don't.  It's from Young Frankenstein. My dad always liked "Stay close to the candles, the staircase can be treacherous."  Also from Young Frankenstein, funny because the candles are unlit.  

I don't want to talk about politics on my blog, but here in the USA it's a mess.  To you around the world, please remember that Americans are different than the government. Also, the virus is spreading like crazy here. A little while ago, the daily amount of people in my state diagnosed with Covid in one day was around 2,000...a horrific number. Today, it was almost 7,500. Absolutely terrifying.  My point in discussing goofy stuff and horrible stuff is that during this difficult time we need as much foolishness as we can get or the bad stuff is overwhelming.

I recently read Anxious People by Fredrik Backman. This is the author who has written several best selling books, including A Man Called Ove.  In this novel, a bank robber needs somewhere to go after making their escape. They run into an apartment building, to a unit that is for sale and at the time is having an open house. All the potential home buyers become the robber's hostages. Obviously the robber has issues and secrets but so do the buyers. The characters are very well developed and the reader comes to care for each of them. The story is interesting, sweet and at times will have you thinking twice about several issues. Most importantly this book is funny. Laugh out loud funny, read pages to others funny. Exactly what the world needs right now. You will not be disappointed with Anxious People, it just may help you find your smile.

Anxious People would make a great gift.