Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun by Elle Cosimano


Hello everyone.  I hope you are having a great day.

I always say something about hope you're having a nice day or week because I mean it.  Watching the news can make you sick these days, so much hate.  No matter what religion you do or do not believe in, we can all agree that humans have been on this planet for thousands of years.  It amazes me that in all those years we haven't learned one simple thing, mean is bad, and kind is good.  How can all this time have passed and we still think hurting each other is a good idea?  No matter where you are from, the United States, France, Iran, Russia, or Singapore, I guarantee you we are ALL the same.  We want nothing more than to have a nice life.  We want to learn, maybe fall in love, have shelter and food, raise our children in a safe pleasant environment.  No matter what our governments or countries are doing, we all, at the core, are the same.  It drives me crazy that we still fight and physically hurt each other.  Wouldn't we be so much better if we treated each other with respect and kindness.  I mean, call me silly, but I'd rather laugh than be blown up.  How wonderful would it be if we could embrace each other's differences and want nothing more than kindness.  Oh, you need oil, no can't grow grain, we've got you covered.  If we could only drop jokes, smiles and love instead of bombs.  I know I'm getting sappy but bad happenings get annoying quickly.  So, for today, instead of hate let's try love, instead of punishing each other, let's make each other laugh.  Let's try being the humans we should have been a long time ago.  To put that smile on your face, maybe you want to start with a book.

I recently read Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun by Elle Cosimano.  This author has written two other books following the same set of characters, Finlay Donovan is Killing It and Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead.  I have reviewed and loved both previous books.  The series begins when you meet Finlay Donovan, a mother and author, trying to do it all.  Her husband has left her and fired their nanny.  Finlay is late for a lunch meeting with her agent.  While eating and discussing Finlay's new novel, the lady at the next table overhears the plot.  She believes Finlay is a contract killer, a real one.  This woman offers the cash strapped author a bundle to "dispose" of her husband.  The story is off and running.  Finlay and her sidekick nanny, Vero, get pulled into adventure after adventure in the unsavory world of killing people for cash.  The only thing is they don't know what they are doing.  The improvising author and mom along with the super sarcastic nanny, get themselves into all kinds of hilarious situations.  In the latest, Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun, Finlay and Vero get stuck going to a mock police academy, living in a dorm and taking classes in police procedure, all while trying to track down a villain.  As with all the books, you will find yourself laughing out loud and smiling through the whole read.  What else could you ever want?  One more book in the series yet to come, I will be terribly sad when it's over as the world could use more Finlay Donovan and Vero comedy.

By the way, when I think of kindness my mind always goes to Canada on September 11th.  When the US was being attacked and all flights were stopped, Canada let planes land and people took Americans into their homes.  It was so beautiful during something so horrible.  I'll never forget it. The people of Canada set a wonderful example of how we should all be every day.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn

Hello everyone.  I hope you're having a great day.

Years ago, I had all my parent's slides, they took gobs of photos.  The slides were starting to degrade and were hard to look at without setting up a lot of equipment.  Despite it being more overwhelming than cooking Thanksgiving dinner for a family of twenty with a picky Aunt Sue and cranky Uncle Hank, I scanned all the slides into my computer.  Within those family slides is an engineering drawing that I have no idea what it is.  When I was a kid, I was convinced my dad was a spy due to his wearing sunglasses, hey I was little and I'm quite certain that all spies covet an extensive sunglass wardrobe (they probably have cameras in them).  Of course, my dad was a regular person, but that miscellaneous slide had me wondering about him and his job that took him to top secret sites.

I recently read Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn.  This is the story of four aging women, spies, well assassins is more accurate.  The group these ladies work for has sent them on a fantastic all expenses paid cruise to mark their retirement. While trying to enjoy their relaxing gift they realize that someone is on the cruise that shouldn't be, in fact, it is someone they work with...a fellow assassin.  The four women quickly realize that this time they aren't the killers but the targets.   Why would an organization they have been so loyal to suddenly turn on them?  How do they come out alive when those after them are as well trained as they are?

This book is smart, fun, quick moving, interesting and laugh out loud funny.  Anyone will enjoy this book but if you are forty or older you will start to recognize some of their aches and pains, along with other "hormonal things" going on with their bodies.  All of this commentary on aging and the actual story of hunting assassins is told with so much humor, if was a pleasure to read.  My only regret is that this book isn't the beginning of a series, as I could do with a whole lot more of these wise-cracking ladies.

Hey, my dad went on a cruise once...hmmmmm...

Saturday, August 28, 2021

People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

Hello everyone.  I hope you are staying cool in the soaring temperatures.

When I was a kid, we looked forward to two things, Christmas and vacation.  As really young kids, we would go to "the shore" and visit Cape May, New Jersey.  If you've never been, it's charming without lots of high-rise hotels but smaller family run resorts.  The neighborhoods are close by and filled with Victorian houses.  There is a boardwalk and it was my dad's requirement that we get up every morning at the crack of dawn and ride bicycles.  We even tried a bicycle for two one time, that was a complete disaster!  My aunts, uncles and cousins would also go to Cape May so not only was it a wonderful vacation but nice to spend time together.  As we got to be teenagers, Cape May was too relaxed for us and we all went to Myrtle Beach with lots of miniature golf, amusement parks and t-shirt shops.  The first time I ever played Pac Man was in Myrtle, we had chicken pox in Myrtle, and most notably while walking on the beach right next to me, my sister got pooped squarely on the head by a seagull in Myrtle.  I'm still laughing today.  What?  It's funny!   We were a bit away from our hotel and she had to walk back like that...I may or may have not laughed hysterically the entire way.   Also, on vacation I met some wonderful friends who I am still in contact with to this day...literally decades later.  Vacations are good.

I recently read People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry.  In the past I reviewed Beach Read by the same author.  I acknowledged that it was a romance and in general they aren't my thing (although I've read some great ones).  Beach Read seemed like it was trying to have a more involved story but compared to thrillers it was just too slow for me.  Still, I admitted that I wanted to watch this author as she could make me a romance reader.  I was so anxious to read People We Meet on Vacation to see what Emily Henry had in store for us.  I'm glad I did.  This story is about two friends, Poppy and Alex, who have gone on vacations together for years and about how their friendship has evolved, often because of the time on these trips.  The pacing is far superior to Beach Read and the dialog will have you laughing from beginning to end.  Sometimes sweet, sometimes serious and thoughtful, this book is perfect for your summer trip or anytime you need to brighten your day.  I am thrilled for Henry to have started to really bridge that gap between generalized fiction and romance.  I cannot wait for the next one.

Things to pack: bathing suit, beach towel, sunscreen, People We Meet on Vacation, and if you're my sister...shower cap to wear on the beach...just in case.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano

Hello everyone.  I hope you're having a good day.

Have you ever seen one of those videos that pops up in your Face Book feed where a baby laughs at their grandfather making a face? I'm not subscribed to any cute baby groups but they always show up in my feed, kind of like those videos about how to serve a filet mignon dinner using only ring dings and mustard.  Obviously some portions of the internet think I'm a female MacGyver, obviously they haven't seen the the fine film of filth covering my house!  Hummm, maybe the filth is holding everything together and that IS my MacGyver-ness.  I like that, dirt on purpose not because I'm lazy.

Something everyone has in common is liking to laugh.  I remember being at my Aunt and Uncle's house for a Christmas Eve party and my dad holding the whole room captive as he was delighted by telling a joke.  I think it went like this: "I have a bird named Chet and he sings.  If I hold a match under him but to the right he sings Jingle Bells.  If I hold a match under him but to the left he sings Oh Holy Night.  If I hold a match under him in the center he sings Chet's Nuts Roasting On An Open Fire." My extended family laughed loudly and my father was filled with joy at making everyone laugh.  Now maybe it was the booze, being off work for the holiday, or being with his family but Dad was truly happy.  It's a very good memory.

I recently read Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano. This book is about an author who goes to meet her agent and misses their reservation at an upscale restaurant so they end up meeting at Panera.  Finlay is describing the plot of her book when she is overheard by a woman at a nearby table.  When Finlay gets up to leave she discovers a note from the other patron who is offering her $50,000 to kill her husband.  The plot of the book has been taken as real and Finlay is thought to be a contract killer! Not only is Finlay way behind on her book but she's out of money, making the stranger's note all the more interesting.

This book is a great read and perfect break from the world we live in.  It is fast, interesting, easy to read, easy to get into, has clearly defined characters and plot but most of all this book is funny.   How funny?  Read to your husband funny.  Tell him to put his meeting on mute so they don't hear you reading him your book, funny.  Text your sisters, "OMG you've got to read this" funny.  If you like to laugh and could use a break from reality, this book is for you. If you like slapstick comedy but in word form, you must read this story.  Oh heck, just trust me, go get this book.  Unless of course you hate to laugh, then I wash my hands of you. 

Even though my dad is gone, my nephew has his same sense of humor.  I'll have to make sure I tell him Dad's Chet joke and see who he can make laugh. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

Hello everyone. I hope you're having a good day.

Do you do goofy stuff to brighten the day? When we were dating my husband used to talk with Mickey Mouse's voice.  My sisters and I text movie lines back and forth, I'll tell you my favorite but if you're easily offended or underage please don't read the next line. "He would have an enormous svanschtooker." "That goes without saying." "He's going to be very popular."  Know what movie it's from?  Just like with the triplets, I'll have to disown you if you don't.  It's from Young Frankenstein. My dad always liked "Stay close to the candles, the staircase can be treacherous."  Also from Young Frankenstein, funny because the candles are unlit.  

I don't want to talk about politics on my blog, but here in the USA it's a mess.  To you around the world, please remember that Americans are different than the government. Also, the virus is spreading like crazy here. A little while ago, the daily amount of people in my state diagnosed with Covid in one day was around 2,000...a horrific number. Today, it was almost 7,500. Absolutely terrifying.  My point in discussing goofy stuff and horrible stuff is that during this difficult time we need as much foolishness as we can get or the bad stuff is overwhelming.

I recently read Anxious People by Fredrik Backman. This is the author who has written several best selling books, including A Man Called Ove.  In this novel, a bank robber needs somewhere to go after making their escape. They run into an apartment building, to a unit that is for sale and at the time is having an open house. All the potential home buyers become the robber's hostages. Obviously the robber has issues and secrets but so do the buyers. The characters are very well developed and the reader comes to care for each of them. The story is interesting, sweet and at times will have you thinking twice about several issues. Most importantly this book is funny. Laugh out loud funny, read pages to others funny. Exactly what the world needs right now. You will not be disappointed with Anxious People, it just may help you find your smile.

Anxious People would make a great gift.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

Hello everyone.

It seems early but it must be summer. I had to turn on the air conditioning. My husband says I'm so cheap I squeak. He's wrong (on a lot of things but I digress). I'm not cheap, I actually spend way too much money. However, I want to spend it on good stuff. Who wants to spend precious cash on utilities when there are wine and books to be purchased? the following the an exaggerated eye roll... let us not forget how I am rolling through dishwashers like most people do underwear. Now that I've managed to work eye rolling, wine and underwear into a book review back to the topic at hand. No not books, my air conditioning. I am a firm believer that no a/c should come on before June 1st and certainly not before my neighbors. (Heat should not be used until November has begun.) I have to be the one to tough it out. Did I mention I'm in NC, where it is hot and so humid even your hair sweats? Well, I am and it is.

I don't think it is the least bit unreasonable to ask for a solid month of pleasant weather in spring and fall to provide utility relief and let me just open the windows. But NO, this year it has been oppressively hot since the first week in May. How dare it! Last week, the temperature hit 100. I said 'to hell with the neighbors' and 'screw the bill' and in a puddle, swearing even my book was sweating, turned on the glorious air. I didn't stand over the grate in the floor letting that cold air billow up my leg like hubby did, but I was tempted. Too much info? I thought we were close! So spring has been gone for a month and summer has begun full force. You know what else has been taking off this year? Summer reading. Have you looked at new releases headed our way? It is absolute reader heaven. So many great books, I'm practically giddy, bouncing up and down while clapping my hands together like a little kid.

My wish list for these books is so long. Let's face it, don't tell the ole' spouse but it's not a wish list, all us readers know what it actually is ....a shopping list. A honest to goodness, check off item by item just like the grocery store, buy everything on it, shopping list. In anticipation of summer read-a-paloosa, I read more books than usual in May and still have so many to tell you about but let's discuss a good one for the beach, lake or even plane. I recently read The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren, my first from this author. I've heard so many people say what a great writer Christina Lauren is, how people practically pace the floor waiting for her next book. Now I know why. I get it. This book is so cute, it's well written, literally laugh out loud funny, and was a pleasure from beginning to end. Someone should have written her name on a post-it and stuck it to my forehead like a banana sticker. I have been missing out.

The Unhoneymooners is about a celebration gone awry where the entire wedding party and all guests get sick from the reception dinner, except the maid of honor and best man. She has food allergies and he hates germ filled buffets so they don't eat the same food as the others. Sadly, this illness will last for days. The bride and groom have a nonrefundable trip to Maui for their honeymoon. The maid of honor and best man take the trip to avoid it going to waste. One problem though, they hate each other. I'm not saying more but the writing is so sharp and as I've already said it is really funny.  The story pushes through with a strong plot not meandering off topic, making for a quick and memorable read.

Now I am wondering if all Christina Lauren's books are this good. Getting my shopping list out, I have a few additions.

** Christina Lauren is actually two authors. Long time friends, Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings together make the pen name of author Christina Lauren. Makes you wonder if your friends have any hidden talents, doesn't it?

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Accidentally Engaged by Mary Carter

Hello everyone.

 Are you as frantic as I am with Christmas right around the corner? Why is it when you are a kid in school and looking at that clock on the wall it moves so slowly. Then as an adult, when you beg the clock to stop speeding it absolutely refuses. It is unfair. Maybe there is some weird time shift with age....hummm a wacked (meaning terrible) book idea there. Anyway, I am behind in cleaning for company and definitely behind in goodie baking. Oh the humanity.  I'll hang my head in shame...especially if there is a book in my lap.

 Naturally, I am way behind in the list of books I wanted to finish by the end of the year too. I have wanted to read the author Peter May for so long and received three of his books last year for Christmas, have I cracked one beyond the first I read the first in the Cainsville series by Kelley Armstrong and loved it. I have the other four books in the series and haven't read any of them. I have the latest in the Jane Hawk series by Dean Koontz and haven't had time to read it. Arrrgghhhh! All these wonderful books staring at me and I have to clean and bake! The injustice of it all!

So, deep breath. In case you are as stressed as I am, let me suggest a quick hit book. Something a bit on the fluffy side, something with a sense of humor. I recently read Accidentally Engaged by Mary Carter. This book opens with the main character being a serial wife, having been married 3 times. Clair is currently working as a tarot card reader. When a bridal party arrives, different members with different agendas, all hell breaks loose. In the pandemonium, the engagement ring gets left behind. Clair decides she needs to return it. Doing so, well, let's just say the book is off and running.

This story is a fast, pleasant read. It is light-hearted and quirky. It is romantic and sassy. Most of all, it is funny, really funny. Something that is oh so needed at this time of year. This absorbing book will melt away your stress and help you find your smile.

Accidentally Engaged would make a great holiday gift for a girlfriend or sister with a sense of humor. One thing is for sure, you'll never baste a turkey again without a chuckle. What in on the joke? Read the book, you'll laugh all the way to your roasting pan!