Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The First Lady

Hello everyone.

I hope you are having a good day. Not so good here. Well, kind of is, kind of isn't. Hubby is on vacation this week. He has several things he wants to do around the house and was ready for a break from work. First thing on the agenda was to get our taxes done. Ouch! Like I keep hearing on the news, we usually get a refund and this year ended up owing, big time. This is unacceptable. I need my refund for book money. How dare the government want to spend it on things like defense and crummy old roads and bridges. Ok, I'll stop.

One of hubby's "honey-do" list projects is to build a little library. We have an old house, it was actually built with a room considered a library. Unfortunately, it has no bookshelves and lots of windows, a fireplace, and pocket doors, so there is little room for shelving. Besides the ole' spouse uses it as his office. Needless to say, when he is working on a huge problem for work, I do not want to be anywhere close by. Anyway, we have a sitting room attached to our bedroom and it has an unused walk-in closet. I've asked my oh so talented (yes, I'm buttering him up) man, to line those walls with heavy duty, hand built shelves that I can pile high with books. While there really won't be room to read in there, it will be nice to organize my unread books which seem to be everywhere these days.

One book I won't need any shelving for because I've finished it is The First Lady, by James Patterson and Brendan Dubois. I've read books by James Patterson which I very much enjoyed. I have not read anything by Brendan Dubois, so was curious especially when it came up on the NY Times Bestseller Paperback list. When it arrived in the mail, I was in the middle of something else. Something I needed to read right away. Sadly or happily, depending how you look at it, I just "had" to read the first few pages of The First Lady. I should have been patient and waited. Yep, I read the whole thing. I am really a slow reader, I swear I don't know how it happened. I whipped through this book in less than two days, and I didn't really have any marathon reading sessions. The book has 338 pages, it is not like it is a novella. I guess I magically got through this story so fast because it was so good and rapidly paced. The plot was strong and always in the forefront, not wavering. While it is obviously about the President and First Lady of the United States, if you are sick and tired of politics don't worry. The story is about people, supporting characters and settings of a political nature, it really isn't about any governmental issues. It is a great ride of a thriller that races (somehow way faster than I can read) through the twists and turns to the perfect ending. Highly enjoyable.

Too bad voting for politicians is not as fun or thrilling as reading this book! If it was, everyone would vote.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Girl He Used To Know by Tracey Garvis Graves

Hello everyone.

I have a word for you...ready?  SEX!  Yes, sex. Okay, goodnight and have a safe drive home! No? Okay, then I'll go on. Sex is everywhere. It is getting checked out at the grocery store, in more ways than one, or being noticed while walking your dog. Sex is in movies, nature, tv, in books. I am assuming we are all adults here, if under 18 turn this off and go read a book. Back to being adults, being a few years out of my twenties, okay more than a few. No, not that many...okay maybe...let's get off my age. Let me just say, by now what I haven't done, I have ruled out or put in that side category of "maybe just once if I'm in a weird mood and have had a hell of a lot of wine." No matter where you are in your sex life journey, we all know what that attraction feels like. As with many things promoted for money, sex has been turned into a sales vehicle. Whether we like it or not sex sells. I remember being in a marketing class in college and being shocked when we were shown an ad for a certain kind of scotch. It was in a glass over ice. The teacher asked us to look very closely at the ice and sure enough the shape of the haze within the ice was that of a woman's body. Sex does sell, more than booze too, it sells books. No? Don't think so? Ask the author of Fifty Shades of Grey. It was a fan fiction version of Twilight but became SO popular, partly because of the sex. Result, book deal and well paid author.

Sex in a book is especially important in a romance novel. Perhaps not the sex act itself but definitely sexual tension. We root for the characters to get together, to fall in love, to have emotional as well as sexual chemistry. But frankly, if there is no physical spark it could end up like loving your brother not someone you have great passion with. This week I read The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis Graves. First, let me say, I was very fortunate to receive an advanced copy from the publisher (thank you most excellent St. Martin's Press). I know several other reviewers who also received copies. They ALL LOVED it. Adored. Best thing since sliced bread. When looking at the author on Amazon you will see she is highly rated, a NY Times best seller.  You know it's coming don't you?

For me, this book missed the mark. This is the story of a couple that falls in love in college,  separates then reconnects years later. The story is painfully slow, they don't go anywhere or do anything. That is fine, it drives me crazy when I read a bunch of books where all the activity and settings are over the top, but when you stay in one place the reader is relying on the author to really develop the characters and for some wonderful dialog. The conversations between characters in this story seemed somewhat forced. Not playful, fun, or enjoyable. Not that all discussions have to be light but they didn't seem particularly meaningful either. In this story the girl is on the autism spectrum, the third book with that theme that I've read in six months. Makes me wonder if that is the next trend like vampires were a few years ago (betting female French spies during WWII follow as next major book topic). I can't really explain it other than to say what others found charming, I found flat and uninteresting. The writing was slow and bland. There was a big event at the end but frankly by then it seemed awkward and out of place. I know the work that goes into a book. I really do. It hurts me to say something bad about any book, please remember I am one of the very few people that don't like this. I just thought this whole story, minus the ending, could have been told in 10 pages.

Now that I've depressed us all, time to go to the grocery story to get "checked out", one way or another.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Transcription by Kate Atkinson

Hello everyone.

If my spelling is off today, it is not really my spelling...well it could be, but I'm sticky. Why you ask? I did something housewifey today. I made flakey pastries with a chocolate cream filling, golden brown topped with a light dusting of confectioners' sugar. They are tasty and pretty but seems like a lot of work for something that will be gone so quickly. Although if I think what I'd pay for something like it in a store or coffee shop, hmmm, I guess the stickiness is worth it. It was a nice surprise for hubby too, who is working from home this afternoon. Speaking of hubby, this is the second and last of his reviews for the moment. He read and loved Transcription by Kate Atkinson. When I read him the plot, he was all in and dove into the book the second it arrived, not putting it down until it was over.

His thoughts:

Although the title suggests a somewhat mundane activity, typewriter keys drumming an erratic song as voices resonate from earphones, the assignment only begins that way. Set against a backdrop of the early days of England ’s entrenchment in World War II, the MI5 job suddenly casts a large shadow. The eavesdropping heroine of our tale is neither saddled with an escape-worthy past nor endowed with extreme talents. This everywoman quality makes it a comfortable fit for the reader to hear both her catty thoughts about a coworker one moment and tensely follow a flashback as duty tested her bravery and patriotic dedication to her newfound craft. Immersive and spanning a decade in the environs of London, the story will leave the reader pondering the character’s post-novel life, proof of a good tale. Mid-century and espionage fans will want to listen along with Miss Armstrong.      

Well there you have it, hubby read two books about spies and loved them both. I'll make a reader of him yet....picture Scarlet O'Hara in the scene with the orange sky where she says "As God is my witness I'll never be hungry again." If you have any suggestions about what to tempt him with now, let me know. Next time you are back to boring old me y'all.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff

Hello everyone,

Have you noticed a change in the air lately? No, I haven't stopped cooking fish. We love fish and it is good for you, not to mention we live near the ocean. Nope, it's not the spring flowers starting to bloom. At our house the skies have parted and the book Gods have shined upon us once again. Oh yeah, you guessed it...hubby has started reading! All those years of me telling him endlessly about the books I've read and nah...he'd rather not read. I start burdening you, dear internet, with the books I MUST discuss and don't tell hubby...BINGO now he wants to read. Sure, he read a couple of thrillers last year just so he could see if he could spot the twists I missed. I am not talking about that. I am talking about bona fide, "Hey, that book sounds interesting, think I'll buy it and read it" kind of reading! Yes, I realize my purchases are increasing because he is now buying books, but this does give me the chance to  grab one for him, then tell him that while I was there I cleared just a "few" things off my wish list and chuck some books in the cart for myself. Tricky huh? I'm telling you, if you try you can justify anything to yourself (or sneak past hubby without leaving purchases in the trunk of the car).

So, I know you're curious as to what has drawn my non-reader into the world of ink and wonder. Well, for one think he loves how books smell, the older the better. I thought it was a wacko thing (although I like old book smell especially when combined with coffee) but I asked around and lots of people like the smell. It was actually spy novels. Now I love action books that often have some spy or a little military edge to them, like Green Zone Jack or my endless supply of James Rollins. I adore those kinds. No, he likes more hardcore spy stories, especially those that have to do with WWII and women. He says that women in France did a lot of spying at that time. Who knew? Course, if I read more spy stuff I guess I would. Anyway, I asked him to write just a paragraph about two of his recent reads. He is a much better writer than I am so please, do not get used to it. Here is the first one, it is The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff.

Risky shortcuts often take their toll, and postwar Manhattan is no exception. The romantic notion of American women returning to suburban homes from factory jobs has yet to be realized as citizens and an influx of immigrants maneuver for new lives in the melting pot. Widowed and set adrift in an unplanned existence, Grace inexplicably finds herself obsessed with solving a mystery. The reader is not left without the back stories, and is given an intimate look at the wartime lives of two women intertwined in the conflict across the Atlantic . The suspense builds, and the tale of survival and betrayal shines light on a less familiar but no less admirable group of women. Is Grace’s trust in the handsome friend helping her justified? This story of the British women’s effort in the French resistance keeps the reader intrigued to the last chapter.

Yep, hubby really liked it. He was "intrigued" which means he often asked to turn off the TV to read! If that isn't the sign of hubby enamored with a book I don't know what is.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Before She Knew Him by Peter Swanson

Hello everyone.

Have you ever seen someone you thought you knew but it wasn't that person? Awkward to say but you know what I mean. Of course you have, everybody has. My husband told me about how they were on vacation when he was a kid and were 2,000+ miles away from home, and his sister thought she saw someone from her elementary school class riding their bike. When I lost my parents, I swear I saw each of them everywhere. I still often think I see my dad, he just had one of "those" faces and heads, especially from the back...you know...dad-ish. In the case of grief, I am sure it is very common especially shortly after your loss. Otherwise, I am sure someone has caught your eye. Some of us have a good memory for faces.

I recently read Before She Knew Him by Peter Swanson. In this story, a woman, Hen (short for Henrietta) and her husband, Lloyd, have moved into a new house. They have dinner at the neighbors house directly across the street. A pretty normal and pleasant thing to do. While they are being given a home tour Hen sees a trophy that reminds her of a murder case. Although she doesn't know the murderer's face like I was yammering about earlier, Henrietta knows the trophy. She remembers the murder of years ago so clearly because she lived on the street where it happened. The trophy, for fencing, was taken by the killer as a grisly souvenir. Although their charming host has a perfectly logical explanation for having the award, Hen has a sense that all is not well. As they story progresses we find out not only did Hen live on the street where the murder was committed but has had mental health issues in the past. When she becomes absolutely positive that she is now living on the street with the killer, she goes to the police but who will believe her with her past? Even Lloyd doubts his wife, fearing another mental break. Ahhh, I've given you plot which I vowed not to do, you've likely already read the book jacket. I just couldn't help myself. This story is just what a thriller should be, twisty. It leaves you on the edge of your seat, flipping pages like a mad woman. It forces you to eat frozen pizza for dinner! Oh yes, gasp you should, this book is too good to even contemplate time away from it to make dinner...and the resulting dishes...forget about them!

Do yourself a favor, get your favorite take out pizza, some paper plates, and this book. You will savor them all!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Almost Home by Valerie Fraser Luesse

Hello everyone.

I hope you had a nice weekend and have sprung forward successfully. You might be feeling a bit sorry for yourself because you're tired after losing that hour. Time changes can sometimes make you feel "off" for a few days. The fact is, however, that few of us should be feeling sorry for ourselves. Seriously, just look around the world. So many people in pain for so many reasons. Heck, look to our own past. Let's take the 1940's for example. Money is scarce, certain foods and supplies are rationed, not to mention the people dying in WWII. Now THOSE were some trying times. Several years ago we bought and restored an old Victorian home. In the 1940's it had been divided into apartments. It had started as a single family house with a ballroom, butler's bells, elaborate stairs, servants, the works. Sadly during the war families needed money and were often forced to either move in together or rent out parts of their home to make ends meet. That is what had happened to our old Victorian. As a side note, one day inside a false wall we found a staircase wall of raised paneling, many small panels still with picture hooks in place.  We found so many things behind walls and under floorboards, huge paintings, needlework, tin types, love letters, booze bottles, button-up shoes, a corset and more. I felt like we were on our own HGTV show. It was amazing! We even found a drawing from a National Gallery Artist, who used to live in our house and teach art classes there. We were younger and much more limber not to mention brave to take on such a large project. I will never forget it. The whole experience was "haunting" in so many ways. (You'll just have to wonder about that until some later date.)

This hardship is exactly what happened in the book Almost Home by Valerie Fraser Luesse. A couple, Si and Dolly, live in a small town in Alabama during WWII and are trying to raise money to pay the property taxes on their home. They've dug a lake to charge for swimming, built a roller-skating rink, and are renting out rooms in their house. This story is about the people living under the same roof and their challenges of making it through that time period. It is sweet, funny, comforting and so touching. While it is not a page turner like a thriller it will still draw you in like a warm hug.  The novel has a strong central plot with several twists along the way. The author does a wonderful job getting the reader to connect with each character and hope for their happiness. In short, Almost Home is lovely and really shouldn't be missed. If you liked Fanny Flagg's Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, you'll love this. Definitely one of my favorites for the year and it's only March!

By the way, our Victorian was later used as the set for a famous haunted house tv show! If I went back to that house now, the ghosts would probably ask to borrow my copy of Almost Home, it is that good!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

Hello everyone.  I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day. We don't go out to celebrate but I did receive a huge heart shaped box of chocolates and a dozen roses. I get a fair number of flowers. I used to receive them for it being a Wednesday, not so much anymore. However, hubby never forgets any special day and, despite my objection and insistence that there are cheaper places, always gets beautiful and long-lasting flowers from the florist, who does a great job.

I know I joke my husband a lot. It is kind of our thing. As a side note, when we were at our "pre-marital counseling" at the church where we were to be married, we argued about who was funnier leaving the preacher smiling and shaking her head (yes, a woman). At our wedding reception, the minister looked at my mom and said "they'll be fine, no doubts." The minister is retired now but I have often thought of sending her a photo of that day and telling her we are still indeed together. Anyway, hubby is a romantic. In fact, I could have you sitting here all day with examples but one of the first displays of his overall cuteness was on our first anniversary. Our wedding color was pink, meaning the flowers and bridesmaids wore pale pink. Don't shake your head, it was a spring wedding. What color did you feature, tartan plaid? So I am at the office, and in he walks with one hundred pink roses in his arms. Every woman in the whole office swooned....honestly, I think you could feel the building sway. See men, all those years later and I still remember.

Not all romantic gestures have been as elaborate or costly as a gazillion roses. Several times he has purchased a package of kiddie Valentines and written a memory on the back of each. Once they were all sealed in the envelopes to be explored and another time they were a heart speared by cupid's pixie stick and hidden all over the house. Yeah, he's a keeper.

So for some timely, holiday appropriate reading I just finished a romance novel called The Hating Game by Sally Thorne. Before you go thinking this is any quick hit little story, I'll tell you it is a full on novel of over 360 pages. The premise is two higher-end employees at a publishing company (of all places) hate each other and are about to compete for a single job promotion. One will essentially become the other's boss. Well, that would certainly be annoying. The characters go to a few locations, apartments and such, but the story is basically all about the dialog, which is well done. The banter is witty, quick and sarcastic. Hey, who among us is not aroused by a little sarcasm?  Seriously, it is well done. Now while this story does not push forward at breakneck speed like my beloved thrillers, it isn't one of those read ten pages and pick in up in three months, either. The story will definitely call to you. Is this my all time favorite book? No. Is it likely to be in this year's top ten? No. Is it a nice romantic comedy that I am glad I read? Absolutely. If you are a romance lover, you will surely want to add this to your "to be read" list.

Incidentally, the way The Hating Game relies heavily on dialog reminds me of Nicola Niemc's Addicted to Love. So if you love The Hating Game, you might want to give Nicola's book a go. In either case, reading with the smell of roses wafting through the air is highly recommended.