Now I usually turn to reading as a distraction. Fortunately, I am bogged down in my reading. So many wonderful and oh so generous publishers have sent me copies of books to review. In addition, some of my favorite authors have had or are about to have new releases. Naturally, as if on que, these new released books must each be 500 pages! I feel like Demi Moore, rolling around money, in Indecent Proposal, only in my case it's books. Yikes, those corners are just not nearly as comfortable as cold hard cash! So, I might have to post a couple of extra reviews, I still promise not to bog you down. In any case, too much good reading? Nope. I'm very grateful to all sources and cannot wait to read and talk about each of your books.
On to todays actual topic, A Simple Favor by Darcey Bell. Actually, I'd never heard of this book but saw a trailer for the upcoming movie. Thinking it looks like a thriller, which are often books first, bingo, Amazon to the rescue...and here it is. I'm pausing here, typing slowing....not sure what to say. The book is good, it is interesting and a fairly fast read. There are things that bug me. Part of the story is told by blog. Great. But when you live it and I read about it, then write about it in the blog, then later write about it telling the truth of what actually happened...I've now read about the same event 3 times, 1 of which is completely unnecessary. I know I harp on this over and over, but I really dislike when authors do this. I don't want to read the same thing twice. I know Darcey Bell hasn't read about my endless cookies, 6 trees and huge "to be read" list but she should, as repeating unnecessarily wastes my time and yours. I know you're tired of hearing it but why isn't this caught in editing. It HAS to bother more people than just me. The other thing that irritated me a little, is that it seems like this book tried to throw in every twist available. I'm still undecided about that comment, even as I type it. Who loves thrillers and doesn't love a good twist? Not me. I adore a good twist-a-thon. I guess there is no pleasing me, not enough twists I'm unhappy, now it seems I'm unhappy with too many. Maybe these weren't involved enough, not entrenched in the story enough.
I think this is a good book, I would read it again. Is it one of my favorites, no. Could it be your favorite, sure!
ps. now I have the song Let's Twist Again going through my head. If it doesn't stop soon I'll have to resort to singing the theme from Gilligan's Island!