Now, I realize I just posted yesterday and you're likely already at your April limit, (who isn't) but I forgot to tell you about a great book, and it releases on September 11th! While I find it annoying to be bombarded with posts, I also don't want you to miss a great book and if you are a thriller lover, this is a great one!
This book starts with a man Joe, in his car with his son, Ben, who sees his mom's car with mommy driving down the road. Since it is not at a time or place Joe would expect to see his wife out and about, he follows her. What unfolds is a wild ride. Joe discovers a vat of simmering doubt and disappointment.
The cover asks the question about what if your life was based on lies. Now, frankly, I'm certain many of our lives are based on little lies. Nobody wants to look boring to their Facebook friends from high school. Everyone absolutely MUST outdo each other with the frequency of lavish vacations. That's not what the book is talking about. How would you feel if everything you based your life on fell apart. If you suddenly discover piece after piece of information showing you were one giant Jenga tower about to fall because that solid base you stand on was never really there at all. Those are the questions this book asks. It is terrifying. It could happen to any of us. I guess we all rest our faith on the integrity of those around us, but some people are really good liars.
Lies was so good. A fast paced, keep you up all night page turner with an excellent twist at the end. If this story doesn't have you awake reading, it will have you examining everyone in your life...just to make sure.